All website have SSL certificates, which means that visitor data is encrypted for added security. Please not that Google now displays warning messages to visitors on websites which are not secured with SSL certificates. This is now a major must for all organisations who take security seriously.
Cookie bars notify the website visitor that cookies are being used and what type they are. We use industry renowned cookie bars to ensure clarity concerning cookies.
To ensure that users are aware that information submitted will be handled in accordance with your privacy policy, they have to have an optin facility to say that they understand. This is provided within our sites.
Customised website pages
Customised safeguarding page for your parish. One that reflects the policy of the Diocese and the wider Catholic Church.
We implement our recommended actions:
1. Professional Cookie Bar
2. Optin for enquiry forms
3. SSL Certificates for visitor data privacy
We will design your website to fit your community/brand
We will itemise the individual characteristics of your Community/brand
Advanced use of video and social elements
We can connect your community/organisation with other parts of your organisation
Blog and News functionality
Areas to list Events
Password protect important pages
All website have SSL certificates, which means that visitor data is encrypted for added security. Please not that Google now displays warning messages to visitors on websites which are not secured with SSL certificates. This is now a major must for all organisations who take security seriously.
Cookie bars notify the website visitor that cookies are being used and what type they are. We use industry renowned cookie bars to ensure clarity concerning cookies.
To ensure that users are aware that information submitted will be handled in accordance with your privacy policy, they have to have an optin facility to say that they understand. This is provided within our sites.
Customised website pages
customised safeguarding page for your organisation. One that reflects the policy of the Diocese and the wider Catholic Church.
We implement our recommended actions:
1. Professional Cookie Bar
2. Optin for enquiry forms
3. SSL Certificates for visitor data privacy
We will design your website to fit your community/brand
We will itemise the individual characteristics of your Community/brand
Advanced use of video and social elements
We can connect your community/organisation with other parts of your organisation
Blog and News functionality
Areas to list Events
Password protect important pages
All website have SSL certificates, which means that visitor data is encrypted for added security. Please not that Google now displays warning messages to visitors on websites which are not secured with SSL certificates. This is now a major must for all organisations who take security seriously.
Cookie bars notify the website visitor that cookies are being used and what type they are. We use industry renowned cookie bars to ensure clarity concerning cookies.
To ensure that users are aware that information submitted will be handled in accordance with your privacy policy, they have to have an optin facility to say that they understand. This is provided within our sites.
Customised website pages
Customised safeguarding page for your parish. One that reflects the policy of the Diocese and the wider Catholic Church.
We implement our recommended actions:
1. Professional Cookie Bar
2. Optin for enquiry forms
3. SSL Certificates for visitor data privacy
We will design your website to fit your community/brand
We will itemise the individual characteristics of your community/brand
Advanced use of video and social elements
We can connect your community/organisation with other parts of your organisation
Blog and news functionality
Areas to list events
Password protect important pages
All website have SSL certificates, which means that visitor data is encrypted for added security. Please not that Google now displays warning messages to visitors on websites which are not secured with SSL certificates. This is now a major must for all organisations who take security seriously.
Cookie bars notify the website visitor that cookies are being used and what type they are. We use industry renowned cookie bars to ensure clarity concerning cookies.
To ensure that users are aware that information submitted will be handled in accordance with your privacy policy, they have to have an optin facility to say that they understand. This is provided within our sites.
Customised website pages
Customised safeguarding page for your parish. One that reflects the policy of the Diocese and the wider Catholic Church.
We implement our recommended actions:
1. Professional Cookie Bar
2. Optin for enquiry forms
3. SSL Certificates for visitor data privacy
We will design your website to fit your community/brand
List of parishes and priests directory
Advanced use of video and social elements
All things Catholic - Specific Pages
Blog and News functionality
Our extensive Corporate Sales expertise can assist you with generating funds to support the diocese and parish mission. We will build dedicated pages with strong call to actions, to assist with generating funds.
Areas to list Events
Password protect important pages
Daily Scripture will automatically update on the website
Communications from the Bishop - Video/Audio/Written Communications
Unlimited page focus for the Diocese to be a complete goto for the parishes